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Found 4188 results for any of the keywords https gs statcounter com. Time 0.012 seconds.
StatCounter Global StatsStatCounter data finds that Chrome increased worldwide internet usage from 53% in April last year to 60.5% in 2016 on the desktop and from 44.3% to 47.4% across all platforms.
FAQ | Statcounter Global StatsFrequently asked questions, Statcounter global stats
Web analytics company StatCounter charts Apple's global battle with SaSan Francisco, CA Dublin, Ireland; Monday 9th September, 2013: Ahead of speculation that Apple will tomorrow announce a new lower cost iPhone, independent web analytics company StatCounter has released research highlig
Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe in browser wars | StatCoStatCounter Global Stats is based on aggregate data collected by StatCounter on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4.9 billion from North America) collected from across the StatCounter network of more th
Chrome Overtakes Firefox Globally for First Time | StatCounter GlobalWe can look forward to a fascinating battle between Microsoft and Google as the pace of growth of Chrome suggests that it will become a real rival to Internet Explorer globally, commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounte
Mobile and tablet internet usage exceeds desktop for first time worldwInternet usage by mobile and tablet devices exceeded desktop worldwide for the first time in October according to independent web analytics company StatCounter
Web analytics company StatCounter launches Internet Wars Report | StSan Francisco, CA Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday, 10th July, 2013: Samsung has overtaken Apple globally for the first time in June to take number one spot in terms of internet usage, according to StatCounter, the independe
Yahoo achieves highest US search share since 2009 | StatCounter GlobalSan Francisco, CA Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 7th January 2015: In December Yahoo achieved its highest US search share for over five years according to the latest data from StatCounter, the independent website analytics
Windows 8.1 overtakes 8 worldwide | StatCounter Global StatsSan Francisco, CA Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 2nd September 2014: Microsoft's Windows 8.1 operating system has overtaken its older sibling Windows 8 for the first time in terms of internet usage worldwide, according to
Yahoo gains further US search share in January | StatCounter Global StSan Francisco, CA Dublin, Ireland; Monday 2nd February 2015: January saw Yahoo further increase the gain it made in US search share last month, according to the latest data from independent website analytics provider,
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